What is Search Engine Optimization ? ( SEO )

what is seo

What Is Search engine optimization ( SEO ) ?

Search Engine Optimization ( In Short SEO ) is a process - Series of Planing and Execute steps That Leads to a website being Optimized to perform its best on search engines.

SEO Divided In Two Parts

1. On-Page Optimization
2. Off-Page Optimization

What Is On-Page Optimization ?

On-Page Optimization Is Refers to Critical Planing Steps Like understanding Your Niche, Keyword Research, and web strategy .

Following Topics Are Included in On-Page Optimization

  • Keyword Research
  • Meta Tags
  • URLs
  • Formatting
  • Heading Tags
  • Alt Tags
  • Proper Keyword Placement
  • Sitemaps
  • Internal Linking

What Is Off-Page Optimization ?

Off-Page Optimization is a process to increasing a website's popularity . Off-Page Optimization Is help to Increase your Web Traffic through Other websites . Off-Page Optimization also helpful in Improve Search engine Result Placement .

Following Topics Are Included in Off-Page Optimization

  • Article Marketing
  • Directory Submission
  • Press Release
  • RSS Feeds
  • Forum Marketing
  • Social Media Sites
  • Google Places

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