What are Meta tags ? | How to Add Meta Tags in your Website ?

What are Meta Tags

What are Meta Tags ?

Meta Tags are  Verity of Labels You Give Your Web Page . Meta Tags  is Also Helpful in increase your website traffic . Many tags are useful but here I am describe some common Meta Tags.

  • Title Tag
  • Description Tag
  • Keywords Tag
  • Robot Tag

<title>Inditech | Full Phone Features</title>
<meta name="Description" content="
Here you find Full Features of Mobile phones, Digital camera and Tablets . Visit and check more Gadgets on Inditech">
<meta name="Keywords" content="
features of mobile phones, mobile phones, digital camera, features of tablets">
<meta name="Robots" content="

Title Tag : Title Tags provides a Title of Your website or web page . when you enter a title It Show Up on search engine Resulting 
Description Tag : Description Tag Provides a Description of your website or web page. When you enter a description For Your web page It show up under the website title in The Search engine Resulting.

Keywords Tag : The keydords tag is another way to educate search engines about your website.

Google search result

<............//\\Use Good Format of Description //\\............>

"Full Features and Specification of Sony Xperia Miro. Sony Xperia Support Many Audio and Video Formats- Video Formats"

<............//\\ Don't Use Bad Format of Description //\\............>

"features of Sony xperia miro, specification of Sony xperia miro, video formats, price of Sony xperia miro."

  How to Add Meta Tags in Your Website ?

  • First you Find <head> In your Website HTML . ( press CTRL+F and find )
  • Copy and Paste Following Codes Just below <head>
Meta Tags Codes

<title>Type Your Page Title Here</title>
<meta name="Description" content="Type Your Page Description Here">
<meta name="Keywords" content="Type Your page Keywords Here">
<meta name="Robot" content="all">

  • Now Save Your HTML Web Page .
 Related Links

What is Search Engine Optimization ? (SEO)

How to add Meta Tags to Blogger ?

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